Steiger streets

We trust we can share the Good News through art, dance, mu­sic but also a sin­cere con­ver­sa­tion. Due to the fact that a lot of peo­ple turn when hear­ing the word GOD, be­cause of their con­cern about be­ing forced to the re­li­gious de­bate or in­vit­ed to some re­li­gious group, we want to take ad­van­tage of the al­ter­na­tive ways so as to draw the passers-by at­ten­tion and en­cour­age them to talk open­ly.
We, as Steiger, have worked out (and are still cre­at­ing new!) dif­fer­ent cre­ative meth­ods of reach­ing the peo­ple of our cities. Con­tact us to learn more about them. Also, we are go­ing to pub­lish our PDF guide­book to the ac­tions or­ga­nized in our cities soon.