Steiger is a rapidly-growing, worldwide mission organization that is called to reach and disciple the Global Youth Culture for Jesus. We do this by raising up missionaries and equipping the local church to proclaim the message of Jesus in the language of the Global Youth Culture. Steiger establishes long-term City Teams in strategic locations around the world, engaging in creative evangelism, relevant discipleship, and local church partnership.


Our vision is the constant development and seeking the opportunity to spread the Good News to as many representatives of the Global Youth Culture as possible. We want to accomplish it through establishing and reinforcing the City Teams across whole country. At present we have been in Wroclaw and Katowice. We also cooperate with Krakow and other cities. We feel the importance of partnership and oneness between the churches and the Christian ministries, that share the same vision of reaching the young generations through the Gospel. We want to connect our strength and act throughout Poland with anybody who has the same passion for Jesus!


The current urban generation, connected by consumerism, social media, and the entertainment industry forms the largest global culture ever to exist. It spans the globe, sharing the same values, listening to the same music, watching the same movies, and sharing the same posts.
This global culture is largely influenced by one predominant worldview: Secular Humanism - God is irrelevant, and man is at the center. In this relativistic culture, we are god and consumerism is our religion. This is a generation that does not look to the church for answers but believes it to be a dead and empty tradition of the past. Either there is no God or, if he is there, he doesn’t interfere with our lives.


God’s heart is broken for this lost generation. The message of his love, the Gospel, is for everyone, and it is not right that young people today don’t get to hear because we’re not making it accessible to them. They don’t come to us, so we need to go to them. As Jesus’ church, we need to realize the massive change in mindset and lifestyle and the need for a paradigm shift in missions.
Our calling is to challenge the status quo of the predominant secular humanist worldview and unmask its oppressive nature. We lift up the Cross outside the church and see the message of a loving God, revealed in Jesus, infused in this globalized culture. We desire to see this generation find hope and purpose again as it meets the Creator. And through this, God will radically and eternally change the world.


"For I re­solved to know noth­ing while I was with you ex­cept Je­sus Christ and him cru­ci­fied."

1 Corinthi­ans 2:2

Steiger aims to demon­strate the pow­er of God by “lift­ing up the cross” out­side of the church. The very core and pow­er of the Gospel is the death and res­ur­rec­tion of Je­sus.

Sad­ly, for many peo­ple the cross has be­come noth­ing more than a piece of jew­el­ry. It has lost its mean­ing and has be­come a re­li­gious cliché.

In or­der to ef­fec­tive­ly demon­strate the cross, we must start with a deep per­son­al rev­e­la­tion of the mean­ing of it. The cross shows the heart and love of the Fa­ther—a love so deep that he was will­ing to send what was most pre­cious to Him: His son Je­sus to die in our place. Though our sin sep­a­rat­ed us from God, He made a way for us to know Him again. The cross shows us how hor­rif­ic sin and evil ac­tu­al­ly are and pro­vides the only way we can be made clean. It is the most rad­i­cal act of mer­cy and for­give­ness in all of his­to­ry and the ba­sis of all of God's plans. It is why Je­sus came.



Steiger Conference is being held in Warsaw with presence of Litza, Favid Pierce and Brian „Head” Welch

Steiger Conference is being held in Warsaw with presence of Litza, Favid Pierce and Brian „Head” Welch. The missionaries and the Steiger team members are supporting Brian by evangelizing the Korn fans after every concert. Before the concert in Slupsk we organized a meeting for over 400 Korn fans.


Steiger is launching the first Polish "Compact" School

Steiger is launching the first Polish "Compact" School in Warsaw. The school introduces people to the organization, vision and values of Steiger and teaching on the Global Youth Culture. The next editions were held in Wroclaw and Lodz.


Ania and Luke Greenwood are coming to Poland

The presence of this missionary marriage results in a rapid change of Steiger’s operating. Creation of Sfera. The pavilion’s debut was at the SLOT Art Festival in Lubiąż.


Community House was established

Community House was established in the tenement house in the heart of Wroclaw. Since 2019 this place has existed for the believing girls only, where they live and grow in faith together.


Community House in Warsaw

Community House in Warsaw. The idea of creating the house was to disciple spiritually the new born believers and it has become the form of communal life of the believers. In this house many evangelistic actions have been organized.


The first SLOT Art Festival

The first SLOT Art Festival was held in Masuria region, as the result of the NLM concert tournee. Also most of the participants were actually the first fans of NLM, deeply impacted by its concerts in Poland. In such a way the long-term cooperation and partnership between the SLOT and NLM and later also with Steiger has started ever since. The contribution of NLM and David Pierce as the lead speaker over the first couple of years of the Slot’s existence has become the centerpiece of the programme. Every year around 7000 attendees keep coming to Lubiąż, that is the present venue of the festival.


The Steiger Poland foundation was instituted

The Steiger Poland foundation was instituted. Steiger is officially establishing the foundation, which makes our organization recognized by the state ever since.The first Compact School edition in Wroclaw.


Steiger obtained the broadcasting rights to the movie „Loud Krazy Love”

Steiger obtained the broadcasting rights to the movie „Loud Krazy Love”. The première movie show took place at the Czasoprzesteń club, during the event promoting “The Fight”, the newly released album of The Unrest.


NLM’s performance in Jarocin

No Longer Music band played the first concert in Poland, at a rock festival in Jarocin. As the members weren’t allowed to give the concert on the main stage, they had played illegally away from the festival’s venue instead, what drew the attention of many people who in result believed in God. NLM have toured throughout Poland ever since. That was the festival where they started a friendship and cooperation with Malejonek and Litza, who they would tour with in Poland several times later.


Establishing of the first Steiger City Team in Wroclaw.

Establishing of the first Steiger City Team in Wroclaw. The formation of the Unrest. Follow up is a project launched as a part of the NLM concert tour. The tools and the strategy of establishing a network and involving the people after the concerts have been developed and then used under another evangelistic actions.


Steiger in Woodstock

Steiger in Woodstock. For the first time the Steiger missionaries are visiting the Woodstock festival in order to share the gospel. Since that time, the ministry has been developing and each year, more and more people from Poland and abroad are getting involved in it.


Formation of the Katowice Steiger Team


Ania Greenwood

Ania Green­wood es­tab­lished the Steiger Poland foun­da­tion in 2016. Her fo­cus is to ex­pand a Steiger’s glob­al vi­sion in Poland. She has been a mis­sion­ary since 2006, served in Eng­land and Brazil and for 5 years has been work­ing in Poland. To­geth­er with her hus­band Luke and their two chil­dren - Daniel and Sara, she has been liv­ing in Wrocław. She is the head of the Wro­claw team.

Luke Greenwood

He serves as the Eu­ro­pean Di­rec­tor for Steiger. His fo­cus is to reach the young gen­er­a­tion with the Good News in the whole con­ti­nent. He of­ten shares his vi­sion vis­it­ing church­es and con­fer­ences. Each year at the Steiger mis­sion school he teach­es on evan­ge­lism and dis­ci­ple­ship with­in the glob­al youth cul­ture.

Maria Marszałek

Maria Marsza­łek is the Steiger team leader in Ka­tow­ice. She has been the mis­sion­ary for Steiger since 2019. For many years she has served for the teenagers in Poland, in­clud­ing lead­ing a youth move­ment called Gen­er­ac­ja Plus (Gen­er­a­tion Plus) and reach­ing a lot of Pol­ish cities through spread­ing the Gospel. Cur­rent­ly she is en­gaged in the mis­sion­ary ac­tiv­i­ties in Ka­tow­ice.

Martyna Matyjas

Mar­ty­na has been liv­ing and study­ing in Wro­claw, she also is a part of the wor­ship team. At the be­gin­ning of this year has in­ten­sive­ly start­ed en­gag­ing in Steiger ac­tions and the joint prayer meet­ings. Also in the near­est months she will be join­ing the team, as an ad­min­is­tra­tive as­sis­tant for the Steiger Mis­sion.