Community House

Com­mu­ni­ty House is a liv­ing space shared by a par­tic­u­lar group of peo­ple. They live, spend time in prayer, wor­ship, and growth in faith to­geth­er. Steiger or­ga­nizes there the cre­ative night events, filled with mu­sic, cul­ture and tasty food. We want to cre­ate op­por­tu­ni­ties to just en­joy our own com­pa­ny.
Cur­rent­ly, in Poland, the only Com­mu­ni­ty House has been es­tab­lished for the girls. It is an apart­ment in the ten­e­ment lo­cat­ed in the cen­ter of Wro­claw. There have been or­ga­nized dif­fer­ent sorts of meet­ings such as the Steiger team gath­er­ings, Bible study and the cul­tur­al evan­ge­lis­tic events called the Open House.