Community House
Community House is a living space shared by a particular group of people. They live, spend time in prayer, worship, and growth in faith together. Steiger organizes there the creative night events, filled with music, culture and tasty food. We want to create opportunities to just enjoy our own company.
Currently, in Poland, the only Community House has been established for the girls. It is an apartment in the tenement located in the center of Wroclaw. There have been organized different sorts of meetings such as the Steiger team gatherings, Bible study and the cultural evangelistic events called the Open House.
“Dla mnie Community House to intencjonalne dzielenie życia z ludźmi. W dzisiejszym świecie nie ma takich relacji, brakuje bliskości, szczerości, zwykłej rozmowy przy śniadaniu, wsparcia w gorszy dzień. Community to taka rodzina poskładana z ludzi o różnych doświadczeniach i historiach. Często przez relacje z innymi możemy dostrzec jak wiele egoizmu jest w naszym sercu, jak bardzo troszczymy się tylko o to co nasze. W Community chodzi o bycie dla innych, o służenie sobie nawzajem w najprostszych codziennych czynnościach. Ludzie, którzy są wokół ciebie, nie są tam przez przypadek. Czytajcie razem Słowo, jedzcie razem posiłki, niech wasz dom będzie otwarty dla wielu zgubionych i złamanych… To takie proste, a jednak jest tak wielu samotnych ludzi, którzy nigdy nie doświadczyli zdrowej rodziny, może nie poznali Boga.”
“For me, the Community House equals intentionally sharing your life with people. Nowadays we lack these relationships, closeness, honesty, usual conversation at breakfast, showing support on a rainy day. The Community is a family, consisted of people carrying some life experiences and stories. Often through relationships with others, we realize how selfish we are and how we only care about our own businesses. But regarding the Community, the point is, that we need to commit ourselves to those in need, help each other in the simplest daily cases. People around you, are not there coincidentally.
I want to encourage you to start studying the Bible together, eating at one table and opening your door for the lost and broken… It is very simple, in spite of this, there are still a lot of lonely people who might never know what the ordinary family means or who the God is."
{PL}Taka jest właśnie idea Community House!