Loud Krazy Love

Loud Krazy Love is a doc­u­men­tary fol­low­ing the life of the Korn lead gui­tarist, Bri­an “Head” Welch. The movie de­picts his whole path - the fight for free­dom from drug ad­dic­tion and the re­la­tion­ship with his daugh­ter, Jean­na. We ob­tained the broad­cast­ing rights in or­der to or­ga­nize the movie shows across Poland.
The movie is a pow­er­ful evan­ge­lis­tic tool. We can take part in this lost man’s jour­ney, who strives for restor­ing the re­la­tion­ship with his daugh­ter suf­fer­ing her dad’s strong ad­dic­tion. It un­veils their per­son­al re­new­al, start­ing from the strug­gle with de­pres­sion and the hate to each oth­er, up to the beau­ti­ful life, filled with free­dom, that God had brought to their lives.