
Sfera is a spher­i­cal pavil­ion in the shape of dome and is used as the mo­bile cafe­te­ria and the cul­ture cen­ter. We take it to the most in­ter­est­ing places in Poland and abroad too.
It is the one of the Steiger Poland project, that con­veys Je­sus’ mes­sage in a com­pre­hen­si­ble and rel­e­vant to the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion way. By or­ga­niz­ing a deal of work­shops, con­certs, sem­i­nars, artis­tic ini­tia­tives and thanks to the part­ner­ship with cities or fes­ti­vals, we prove that re­li­gion and faith aren’t the same mat­ters.
The con­struc­tion of the pavil­ion, its floor and dec­o­ra­tions alone weigh up to 2 tones! The build takes around 8 hours and in­volves the work of at least 10 peo­ple.
De­spite this, it didn’t pre­vent us from vis­it­ing dif­fer­ent cities and fes­ti­vals last year.


How does the Sphere work?


Every­one will find some­thing in Sfera for him­self. We usu­al­ly of­fer the rich cul­tur­al pro­gram and the cafe­te­ria open un­til late at night.  This de­pends on the lo­cal or­ga­niz­er’s ac­cep­tance though!


The Sfera project re­lies on the strong part­ner­ship with the or­ga­niz­er, such as lo­cal com­mu­ni­ty, church or fes­ti­val. We plan and pre­pare for the event, that will be held in the pavil­ion. This re­quires the lo­gis­tics (trans­port, build and re­build the con­struc­tion), the event pro­gramme and cafe­te­ria op­er­at­ing. 


Along with Sfera, in the venue ar­rives our man­ag­er, who sup­ports the whole un­der­tak­ing. The im­ple­men­ta­tion of the whole ini­tia­tive wouldn’t be im­pos­si­ble but for the vol­un­teers, who are the cen­ter­piece of the project and who help make the whole event ef­fec­tu­al.


For in­stance, last year Sfera was brought to Prze­mysl to the Week of the Pos­i­tive Ini­tia­tives with­in the event Stre­fa In­spiracji (Zone of In­spi­ra­tions). The lo­cal church took care of lo­gis­tics, while the vol­un­teers of Gen­er­ac­ja Plus (Gen­er­a­tion Plus) took re­spon­si­bil­i­ty for the cafe­te­ria. As the re­sult, we didn’t lack of the nec­es­sary help, and Sfera had been used in or­der to bring the light to the Prze­mysl main square.






Sfera is a chal­lenge – due to its weight and size, the pavil­ion is lo­gis­ti­cal­ly quite a big un­der­tak­ing, re­quir­ing the pre­cise prepa­ra­tions and a co­he­sive team.

A good or­ga­ni­za­tion re­sults in avoid­ing stress and the amount of work con­tributed to the project is com­pen­sat­ed by its ef­fects! Sfera is or­gan­ic – it al­lows to ad­just it to the char­ac­ter of pro­gramme, scenery and cir­cum­stances. Every­one can make an ef­fort, for in­stance by giv­ing some idea how to serve the lemon­ade or or­ga­nize the sung po­et­ry night.


Sfera in­te­grates – this project can be ex­e­cut­ed only through work­ing as a team and the in­volve­ment of dozens of peo­ple! It is a great op­por­tu­ni­ty to prac­tise part­ner­ship and cor­re­la­tion be­tween each oth­er. Af­ter the event in Ka­tow­ice the mem­bers of one of the Chris­t­ian con­gre­ga­tions recog­nised it as the best in­te­gra­tion they had ever had.


Sfera is equal to re­la­tion­ships – thanks to the cafe­te­ria, which ac­counts for the part of the project, Sfera en­ables de­vel­op­ing re­la­tion­ships nat­u­ral­ly. The or­ga­niz­ers host the event, they get the op­por­tu­ni­ty to ask the peo­ple in their lo­cals and to cre­ate a safe and an ap­peal­ing place, where it is much eas­i­er to open up and start talk­ing about God. Just to give an ex­am­ple from Prze­mysl: two girls, Jago­da and Do­mini­ka kept com­ing to Sfera every day, they built the re­la­tion­ships with the vol­un­teers, talked about life and God, and on the last day, dur­ing the con­cert of No Longer Mu­sic they re­ceived Je­sus and right af­ter this, ob­tained the sup­port from peo­ple who could guide them in their faith.





Sfera is a chal­lenge – due to its weight and size, the pavil­ion is lo­gis­ti­cal­ly quite a big un­der­tak­ing, re­quir­ing the pre­cise prepa­ra­tions and a co­he­sive team.

A good or­ga­ni­za­tion re­sults in avoid­ing stress and the amount of work con­tributed to the project is com­pen­sat­ed by its ef­fects! Sfera is or­gan­ic – it al­lows to ad­just it to the char­ac­ter of pro­gramme, scenery and cir­cum­stances. Every­one can make an ef­fort, for in­stance by giv­ing some idea how to serve the lemon­ade or or­ga­nize the sung po­et­ry night.

Sfera in­te­grates – this project can be ex­e­cut­ed only through work­ing as a team and the in­volve­ment of dozens of peo­ple! It is a great op­por­tu­ni­ty to prac­tise part­ner­ship and cor­re­la­tion be­tween each oth­er. Af­ter the event in Ka­tow­ice the mem­bers of one of the Chris­t­ian con­gre­ga­tions recog­nised it as the best in­te­gra­tion they had ever had. Sfera is equal to re­la­tion­ships – thanks to the cafe­te­ria, which ac­counts for the part of the project, Sfera en­ables de­vel­op­ing re­la­tion­ships nat­u­ral­ly. The or­ga­niz­ers host the event, they get the op­por­tu­ni­ty to ask the peo­ple in their lo­cals and to cre­ate a safe and an ap­peal­ing place, where it is much eas­i­er to open up and start talk­ing about God. Just to give an ex­am­ple from Prze­mysl: two girls, Jago­da and Do­mini­ka kept com­ing to Sfera every day, they built the re­la­tion­ships with the vol­un­teers, talked about life and God, and on the last day, dur­ing the con­cert of No Longer Mu­sic they re­ceived Je­sus and right af­ter this, ob­tained the sup­port from peo­ple who could guide them in their faith.








How can you be in­volved?


In or­der to come the Sfera’s project into life, we need the com­mit­ment of the peo­ple,  gift­ed with the man­age­ment and tech­ni­cal skills. Cur­rent­ly we have an open po­si­tion for:   

Tech­ni­cal man­ag­er

Vol­un­teer­ing: you can get in­volved in the sin­gle project as the vol­un­teer and ex­pe­ri­ence it with us! Cur­rent­ly we are plan­ning in next year on do­ing the ac­tions at the Odnowie­nie Fes­ti­val (the Restora­tion Fes­ti­val), Slot Art Fes­ti­val and Stre­fa Pozy­ty­wnych In­ic­jatyw (Zone of the Pos­i­tive Ini­tia­tives) which will be held in Prze­mysl.